Command Properties

Using Prodige, a command can have many properties that allows you to quickly set your command as you wish and not have to worry about it anymore.

Note that only the name and run properties are required

const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');

module.exports = {
  //The command name: (string)
  name: 'ping',
  //An array of command aliases that can also be used to run the same command
  aliases: ['p', 'latency', 'ms'],
  // The command description for the built-in help command
  description: 'A simple ping pong commad',
  // A description for the built-in help command to use (string)
  category: '🔧 Miscellaneous',
  // A usage pattern for when user run the help command like this: !help ping
  usage: 'ping (messageId)',
  //An array of ProdigrArgument objects
  args: [{ name: 'messageId', type: 'message', required: false, byDefault: null }],
  //Cooldown object (ProdigeCooldown)
  cooldown: {
    delay: 50000,
    roleBypass: ['860299357327589396', '858871915556765718'],
  //If the command must be run only by the people in the ownerIds config property
  ownerOnly: false,
  //All the channels where the command can be ran (Array<string>)
  channels: ['858879116185960448'],
  //All the roles that are allowed to run the command (Array<string>)
  roles: ['860299357327589396', '858871915556765718', '863847118749302815'],
  //Permissions that the user must have (at least one of them)
  permissions: ['MANAGE_CHANNELS', 'KICK_MEMBERS'],
  //If the message should be deleted after it has been sent (boolean)
  deleteMessage: false,
  //The function that will be run if all the properties are respected
  run: async ({ client, message, args }) => {
    const { messageId } = args;
    const embed = new MessageEmbed()
        "I'm currently using [Prodige](",
      .setColor(client.colors.GREEN); //Can can access mutiple colors via client.colors
    if (messageId) {
      messageId.reply({ embeds: [embed] });
    } else {{ embeds: [embed] });

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